I have been thinking lately about how we are taught to continually strive to find Christ in Christmas. To not let commercialization distract us from the real reason for the season. But why is this so important? Why is Jesus Christ so important?
Because of Jesus Christ, we have a friend who knows exactly how we feel.
Because of Jesus Christ, we have a perfect example to follow.
Because of Jesus Christ, we have profound teachings to guide our lives.
Because of Jesus Christ, we can have hope that our challenges are not forever.
Because of Jesus Christ, we can have hope that death is not the end.
Because of Jesus Christ, we can belong to a family of believers who stand with us.
Because of Jesus Christ, no matter the mistakes we make, we can be clean.
Because of Jesus Christ, we have access to the strength the Atonement can provide.
Because of Jesus Christ, we never need walk alone.
As we celebrate the birth of our Savior let us not forget why his birth is so important. Let us all strive to find Christ in Christmas and not forget why our lives are better because of Him.
