I just finished re-reading “The Infinite Atonement” by Tad R. Callister.
Quick Take: This book, and “Jesus the Christ” by James E. Talmage, should be considered scripture when it comes to understanding Jesus Christ and his Atonement.
Longer Take:
As a full-time missionary (about a thousand years ago), I read “Jesus the Christ.” It substantially changed the way I see and understand Jesus Christ. “The Infinite Atonement” did this for me again.
This is my 2nd time through this book, and I enjoyed it even more. Elder Callister thoroughly covers many aspects of the Atonement in an understandable and approachable way. It is by no means a “light” read, but it is also not an academic tome. I believe this will appeal to those on both ends of the gospel knowledge scale.
I appreciate that the author went into comprehensive detail. He covers not just the Atonement but also many doctrines that link to this pivotal event. The best approach is to read it in small chunks and then take time to think about the principles.
I can unequivocally say this book has strengthened both my knowledge and testimony of Jesus Christ. I cannot recommend it loudly enough.
Some of My Favourite Quotes:
Foreword by Robert L. Millet: “Some things simply matter more than others. … It is just so with the Atonement of Jesus Christ. … Everything we do and everything we teach should be somehow anchored to the Atonement.”
“If the Atonement is the foundation of our faith (and it is), then no one should be content with a casual acquaintance of this doctrine.”
“We become like those things we habitually love and admire. And thus, as we study Christ’s life and live his teachings, we become more like him.”
“Quoting James E. Talmage: ‘Simple as is the plan of redemption in its general features, it confessedly a mystery in detail to the finite mind.’ Our inability to “know it all,” however does not absolve the need (nor should it diminish our desire) to know what is “knowable.”
“The question is not whether the Savior paid the purchase price for all sins – He did – but whether we are willing to avail ourselves of his sacrifice by repenting.”
“…the Lord will judge us by what we have become, not by what we were.”
“No mortal can cry out, ‘He does not understand my plight, for my trials are unique.’ There is nothing outside the scope of the Savior's experience. As Elder Maxwell observed, ‘None of us can tell Christ anything about depression.’”
“We may not control our temporal setbacks, but we always, always, always control our spiritual destiny.”
“…the divine law of economy, namely, when we have asserted all our mental, moral, and spiritual energies, then the powers of heaven will intervene.”
“The sacrament is a time to meaningfully reflect upon the life of the Savior, to examine and match our own life against his perfect example, and then to resolve to narrow the gap.”
Speaking of Jesus healing the ten lepers (Luke 17), where only one returned to give thanks to their savior. “The Savior then asked a soul-searching question of universal implications: ‘Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?’ (Luke 17:17). Are not all mortals eligible for the healing powers of the Atonement? … are we among the nine who walked away healed nut unmindful, perhaps even ungrateful, of the payment that made it possible?”
