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Drew's Reviews #1 - "Without Offense"

I just finished reading "Without Offense – The Art of Giving and Receiving Criticism" by Dr. John L. Lund.

Quick Take: Fantastic read. Must read for any Christian parent. Two thumbs up.

Longer Take: At times, I am a little OCD about how things should be done in our home. Unfortunately, this has caused me to be more critical of my family than I would like. This is not how I want my wife and kids to see me, so this book seemed like a good start.

With stories and examples, Dr. Lund covers several points:

- Why criticism is not an effective tool for changing behaviour.

- How love, acceptance & the Spirit can effect positive change in both ourselves and others.

- How appropriate criticism can selectively be used.

-General counsel, beyond the topic of criticism, of how to better live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some great stuff in the areas of marriage and parenting.

I highly recommend this book, and I hope to apply the concepts here to create a more positive and loving environment in my home.

Favourite Quotes:

"Criticism may achieve a degree of control and conformity. But control and conformity are not change… A sponge, for example, can be made to conform to whatever outside pressure is exerted upon it. Yet, as soon as the pressure is released, the sponge will assume its previous shape. Control is not change."

"Withholding love and acceptance will drive our loved ones into the waiting arms of those who will give them acceptance…"

"President Brigham Young counselled the Saints, 'Never chasten beyond the balm you have within you to bind up.'"

"In order to be a disciple of Christ, we cannot belittle the worth of another. Ever! It cannot be tolerated. We never have the right to attack the inherent value or self-worth of another – not in jest, not in the heat of anger, not out of frustration, not out of our own weakness, never! never! never!"

"There are children and grandchildren, friends and neighbours who are starving for the want of kind words."


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