Helping those around us feel loved is as important as it ever has been. For many, the current Covid related restrictions have made life difficult. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and anxiety are rampant. The fact is, we need one another to make it through difficult times.
You may be wondering what you should do to bless your assigned families while at the same time aligning with government regulations.
I have a testimony that ministering to people in their homes is where the miracles happen. But there is no expectation that you visit people in their homes right now. So here are a few ways to express love and to serve from a safe distance:
+ Phone call + Video chat + Text + Email + Social media message + Letter/Card + Treat/Gift drop-off + Bring them a meal + Shovel snow + Birthday card + Offer to run an errand + Play an online game together + Fast with them + Pray for them
With all the above ministering opportunities, you could also include:
+ Words of encouragement + Your testimony + A scripture you love + Some kind words + General Conference talk + A picture of your family
Covid has complicated most things. But with some creativity, we can still show love. Pray for guidance on how you can show love to those you Minister to. If you listen for the promptings and are willing to act on them, our Heavenly Father will help you know what to do.
As we begin a new year, this is an ideal time to recommit to ministering in the Saviors way.
